L. Nichols
Hey, I'm @wormulus
I’m a programmer, designer and artist who is interested in machine learning, particularly natural language processing.
Check out my projects
My Background / About Me
As a Mechanical Engineering and Media Arts and Sciences graduate of MIT, I have a diverse background that has prepared me for a range of challenges. Over the past 15+ years, I have honed my skills as a freelance graphic designer, artist, and illustrator, collaborating with clients to create a range of materials such as infographics, menus, and packaging for food products and beer labels. I have also taught Python, LEGO robotics, Scratch programming, paper circuitry, and mechanical engineering through kinetic sculpture to students of all ages.
I am always looking for opportunities to learn and grow, and I am currently focused on building my skills in machine learning. My studies and experiences have given me a strong foundation in problem-solving and critical thinking, and I approach each challenge with a unique perspective. I am confident that my diverse background and desire to learn will make me a valuable addition to your team.
My Work / My Projects
OK Cupid Data Analysis
Analyzed OK Cupid Data with seaborn, wordclouds, sentiment analysis, Pearson's chi square, and a t-test
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seq2seq German/English Translator
Used tensorflow + keras to make a translator
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Tableau Dashboard - Spotify
A dashboard in Tableau examining some trends in spotify music key and mode by genre.
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Ensemble ML Classifier
Using ensemble ML methods (AdaBoost and GradientBoosting with Decision Stump as base) plus hyperparameter tuning to classify income from US Census Data
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ML Wine Quality Prediction Classifiers
Testing out several different ML Classifiers on wine quality data
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Naive Bayes Email Classifier
Used MultinomialNB and CountVectorizer from sklearn to determine how likely it was to be able to distinguish two different groups of emails
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NLP - Winnie the Pooh
Chunking and part of speech analysis of Winnie the Pooh
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GDP/Life Expectancy Data Analysis
Using Jupyter Notebook, pandas, numpy, seaborn, and matplotlib to analyze and graph data.
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US Insurance Costs Analysis
Using Jupyter Notebook, numpy, and matplotlib (no pandas) to analyze US Insurance Cost data.
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Several different Python programs that use L-systems to draw via turtles.
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Unit Testing Example
A demonstration of managing errors and exceptions with unit testing.
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